Lake Elsinore Unified School District

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Academic Options » Ortega High School

Ortega High School

Ortega High School (OHS) is a Model Continuation High School. OHS serves students in a High School program for 11th and 12th grade students.
What's different about OHS?
  • Individual attention: OHS serves approximately 430 students.  The traditional, comprehensive high schools within LEUSD serve 2,000+ students each.  Class sizes at OHS are significantly smaller with an average of 20 students per class compared to 36 students in the comprehensive classrooms.  The small size of the school and the classes allow the OHS teachers and other staff to provide much more individual attention to students.
  • Fewer distractions: We have a small campus with a targeted focus on academics, so students tend to be much more focused and successful.  Our school day goes from 8:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. M-TH and 8:30 a.m.-12:15 p.m. on Fridays.
  • Opportunity to earn credits faster: OHS operates on an accelerated quarter-based system.  This means students earn credits four times a year compared to twice a year at their comprehensive campus.  Each nine-week quarter at OHS allows students to take 5 classes/day and earn up to 25 credits.  This translates to the potential to earn 100 credits per academic year.
  • Focus on improvement: Each course at OHS focuses on the most essential state standards.  Teachers provide access to the same district-approved curriculum found within the comprehensive campuses.  OHS teachers provide quality instruction, the opportunity for project-based learning activities, incorporate technology, and maintain high standards for student performance.
Can I still graduate from my home school if I go to OHS?
Students can return to their home school and graduate as long as they earn enough credits at OHS to return with a high probability of graduating. Senior students can return in the Fall of their Senior year if they need 60 or fewer credits to graduate, or senior students can return for the Spring semester if they need 30 or fewer credits to graduate. Many students actually prefer to stay and graduate from OHS once they have been with us and realize their academic potential.
For more information about OHS or to schedule a school tour, please contact us at 951.253.7065