LAKE ELSINORE—The Governing Board has approved four mid-year administrative appointments effective on November 28. The rationale is to support schools in meeting district and site goals under our Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP). The LCAP addresses eight state priority areas for reducing the achievement gap, or historic underperformance, by targeting resources to help foster youth, disadvantaged students, and English Learners. The appointments were approved on November 10.
- Mr. Nick Powers, Lakeland Village School Principal to Canyon Lake Middle School Principal. Mr. Powers has gained a wealth of knowledge serving as the K-8 Principal at LEUSD’s Lakeland Village School for the past four and a half years. Mr. Powers previously served as an Intermediate School Assistant Principal with the Corona Norco Unified School District.
- Dr. Preston Perez, Canyon Lake Middle School Principal to Lakeland Village School Principal. Dr. Perez has previously served as an elementary and middle school principal with the Lake Elsinore Unified School District. Having both elementary and middle school principal experience positions Dr. Perez at a critical time in supporting LCAP strategies across a K-8 grade span.
- Mrs. Gessy Watkins, Machado ES Principal to Earl Warren ES Assistant Principal. Mrs. Watkins brings a wealth of experience to support Earl Warren Elementary School. She has previously served LEUSD as a principal, assistant principal, Teacher on Special Assignment (TOSA) and teacher. Her classroom and administrative experience will be a tremendous resource and support to Earl Warren Elementary School, one of LEUSD’s largest (902 pupils).
- Dr. Sandra Valles-Metzger, Earl Warren ES Asst. Principal to Interim Machado ES Principal. Dr. Valles-Metzger has an advanced degree in Instructional Leadership and has served as an Assistant Principal in the Lake Elsinore Unified School District since July 2014. In addition to her elementary and middle school teaching experience, her bilingual skills will provide a strong support to the Machado English Learner community.