Lake Elsinore Unified School District

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Great Shake-Out Earthquake Drill

Great Shake-Out Earthquake Drill
10/15/2015, 10:15 AM

Dear Parents,

On October 15, 2015 at 10:15 am, our school will be participating in the International Great ShakeOut Earthquake Drill. Millions of people around the world will be practicing what to do if a large earthquake were to hit their area. Major earthquakes may happen where you work, live or travel in California. The Great ShakeOut is our chance to practice how to protect ourselves and our children, as well as making sure we are prepared with emergency supplies.

Why is a “Drop, Cover, Hold On” drill important? As with any emergency, things can happen quickly and you may only have seconds to protect yourself in an earthquake before strong shaking knocks you down, or something falls on you. By practicing frequently, we can think ahead about plans we can make now to make things safer for our children and families. We can be aware of dangerous objects that might fall, and can make preparations to prevent those things from falling by moving them or securing large items to the walls. This is a great time to check your emergency supplies at home. Do you have food and water to last for several days? Are you prepared to be without water, electricity, and other utilities for several days? Does your family have an emergency meeting location selected and have you practiced emergency drills with your family?

I will am sending home a two page “The Seven Steps to Earthquake Safety” flyer for your review. By thinking and planning ahead of time, we can minimize the dangers an earthquake can bring and keep all of our Collier Comets safe at home and at school during an emergency!

Mrs. Neal

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